Golf course philosophy by Luigi Rota Caremoli with the environment and landscape |
The planning of a golf course in general, before specifying the exact type of golf course, must highlight:
1. The strategy and tactics of the game of golf;
2. The beauty of the surrounding countryside;
3. Safety on the course;
4. Ease of maintenance;
5. Respect for the environment and water resources.
In addition, Luigi Rota Caremoli’s planning process is based on the following aspects:
1. The average golfer and the golf champion must both enjoy themselves and both be challenged by the varying degrees of difficulty on the course;
2. The amount of shots required over the 9 or 18 hole course must correspond to the clubs in the player’s golf bag;
3. At the end of a round, the player must easily remember the maximum number of holes and shots played;
4. There must be a true harmony between the course and the surrounding area;
5. Maintenance must be made easier.
Both the average golfer and the golf champion prefer a well balanced hole, with obstacles linked at the correct points and which stimulates the golfer to thing carefully about how he plays each shot from the Tee to the Green. An important aspect of Luigi Rota Caremoli’s work, done to his feeling on using natural landform, his sensitivity to preservation of the countryside and the environment.
One cannot say that a beautiful view is a disadvantage, but a beautiful course must be a course where the natural beauty is also functional, at each individual hole. |
The importance of the preliminary and feasibility studies
The planning of a golf course must be preceded by a series of studies which are then given to the architect possessing the requisite knowledge, experience and technical and golfing skills. When the decision to build a golf course is made, large sums of money are invested in the long term. A good plan must include economies of construction; the plan in itself is not the only deciding factor. Also considered is the maintenance cost which is linked to mechanisation.
The strategy of the game and safety
The modern golf course designer should save all the golf traditions and apply on construction the new technology and agronomics knowledge.
Courses these days are increasingly crowded with players playing shots which are not always in the centre of the fairway. It is very important to be able to guarantee a good safety level, both on the course and in the surrounding area.
Certain planning devices are crucial for ensuring the safety of the players. There must not sacrifice the technical aspects of the game. |
The choice of golf course designer is fundamental right from preliminary phase
Only a well qualified golf course designer may value the right cost/benefit of a new project. Feasibility and marketing studies must provide the investors/promoters with information enabling them to evacuate the financial advantages of the operation, both in terms of business opportunity and of how much the course will be used by local golfers and tourists.
The feasibility study must precede the plan, so that there is no risk of oversized installations or installations in the wrong place, constructed simply because of the desire build real estate.
On the world a golf developers may meet golf architects as:
1. Designers who call themselves golf course designers without minimal technical knowledge and they operate occasionally at local level.
2. Designers that don’t know the history of golf course architecture and the rules of the game;
3. Ex golf champions who sell their image;
4. Designers highly qualified who are members of professional specific association which are recognised by international golf organisations. In Europe this is the European Institute of Golf Course Architects;
Choosing a renowned golf designer it’s not a guarantee for the marketing.
In addition to the high fee must be evaluated:
1. The cost of building the course it’s usually very higher for many reasons;
2. The more complex and onerous maintenance cost;
3. The difficulty of the course for players with an average to high handicap;
4. The logistic difficulty of communicating with the parties building the course;
5. The possibility of using a famous architect in a geographical area where golf is as yet undiscovered;
6. The ecological sensitivity of the area and the preservation of the countryside as per the territory’s orography.
As millions of euros are at stake, the choice of the golf designer must be considered at length. The chosen designer must have a professional Curriculum Vitae showing proven specialist international experience in golf course planning and management, with a documentation of the course done and its characteristics.
A golf course success it’s not because cost a lot of money but with a qualified study of the land, the knowledge of the game and strategy combined with the using of the local resources.
Designing a golf course requires a wide range of knowledge and experience on golf course construction. The best course of action is to choose the golf course designer from those internationally recognised, listed in the directory of the European Institute of Golf Course Architects, e-mail
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, Luigi Rota Caremoli is listed here as Senior Member.