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Golf course design and management

Golf and Gardens S.r.l. was founded in 1983 by Luigi Rota Caremoli as a company for design and golf development.

Luigi Rota Caremoli is the main golf course designer of Golf and Gardens, he is a Senior Member of the European Institute of Golf Course Architects. He was professionally involved in golfing since 1963 as in Italy and Internationally. With Luigi Rota Caremoli it’s involved on golf design Gianluca di Bitetto.

Golf and Gardens studio cooperate on planning, starting and management of residential, hotels and resort development.

Trusting in Luigi Rota Caremoli of Golf and Gardens and associated means planning down a golf course without missing the shot.

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Golf and Gardens S.r.l. | Via Capitani di Mozzo, 4 | 24030 Mozzo (BG) It | Phone +39.035462323 Fax +39.035462333 | P.IVA e Cod. Fiscale 01060060165